Diversity Without Divisiveness (DWD) is available for shipping starting on Nov. 11
Including You in the DWD/DEI Conversation!
If you read DWD, Minna and I would love to hear from you! Your insights, questions, and feedback will be invaluable in making future volumes of the book as useful as possible and creating a richer dialogue around Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in education.
Send us email at dwdincludingyou@gmail.com to:
share your thoughts and experiences inspired by the book, ask questions about DEI practices in K-12 education, and
contribute to the refinement of best DEI practices.
We’ll post periodic responses to your contributions, fostering an interactive space for learning and growth. We look forward to your input.
2016 | Oxford University Press
The Arc of a Bad Idea
Understanding and Transcending Race
A penetrating, provocative, and promising analysis of and alternative to the hegemonic racial worldview. How race came about, how it evolved into a natural-seeming aspect of human identity, and how racialization, as a habit of the mind, can be broken is presented through the unique and corrective framing of race as a time-bound (versus eternal) concept, the lifespan of which is traceable and the demise of which is predictable.
Published Works
featured in The Psychology of Peace Promotion | 2019 | Springer
Empathy in the Service of Intra and Interpersonal Peace
"How can we understand and apply empathy in ways that are most conducive to peaceful intra- and interpersonal dynamics?"
2012 | National Association of Social Workers
"Race is a term the meaning of which has been the subject of so much argument and mutation that its utility as a clear and reliable descriptor of a crucial form of ideology or behavior is less than certain."
The Pedagogy of the Meaning of Racism:
Reconciling a Discordant Discourse
2008 | National Association of Social Workers
What if the Spirit Does Not Move Me?
A Personal Reconnaissance and Reconciliation
"Discourse on spirituality and practice too often involves unclear definitions and problematic
assumptions about the prevalence and relevance of spirituality in the lives of clients."
The blurring of racial lines won’t save America. Why ‘racial fluidity’ is a con
2018 | story by John Blake
Mean, Kind Or Non: Which Type Of Racist Are You?
2016 | by Carlos Hoyt Jr
Taking race out of human genetics and memetics: We can’t achieve one without achieving the other
2016 | by Carlos Hoyt Jr