"Educational institutions should continue to foster diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility among their student bodies. The USED’s February 14 “Dear Colleague” letter correctly identifies federal civil rights laws that apply to IHEs and K-12 schools. It then, however, misconstrues Supreme Court precedent, wrongly implies that it might be unlawful for schools to consider the impact of policies and practices on diversity, and creates a misimpression of the impact of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility programming. To be clear, nothing in the letter changes existing law and well-established legal principles that encourage – and even require – schools to promote educational opportunity for students of all backgrounds."
The full letter from The Office of the Attorney General, Executive Office of Education, Department of Higher Education, and Department of Elementary and Secondary Education can be found here.
Stand! In The End You'll Still Be You
One That's Done All The Things You Set Out To
Stand! For The Things You Know Are Right
It's The Truth That The Truth Makes Them So
Stand! All The Things You Want Are Real
You Have You To Complete And There Is No
-Sylvester Stewart (Sly of Sly & The Family Stone) 1969